Formular für Grundrissanfragen

Fordern Sie hier Ihren kostenlosen Lageplan an. Wir werden es dann für Sie herstellen und Ihnen so schnell wie möglich zusenden.

*“ zeigt erforderliche Felder an

USC Floorplan

Request a free estimate floor plan using this form. We will make a free floor plan with Universal Storage Containers based on a screenshot from Google Maps of your location. The containers are drawn to scale and put in an economical setup. This floor plan will provide you with a better idea of the possibilities.


Please provide the address and a Google Maps screenshot (optional) of where you want the containers to be located.


You can upload a screenshot from Google Maps with a frame. In this screenshot you can indicate where you want to place the Universal Storage Containers.

Please note: if you are unable to upload a screenshot of Google Maps, this is no problem. In that case, we will make a drawing based on your indications.
Akzeptierte Dateitypen: jpg, png, pdf, Max. Dateigröße: 64 MB.


Example of a Google Maps screenshot


Specify additional indications for the floor plan and which container models you prefer.

Please select which models you would like to see on the floor plan.


Please provide your contact onformation so that we can contact you about your free floor plan.

Providing a telephone number is optional.